Quote by Mario Batali
I was at a party, and some squiggly looking dude with a bow tie ca

I was at a party, and some squiggly looking dude with a bow tie came up and said, Howd you like to be on TV? Turns out he was the programming guy at the Food Network. They had me come into the office, and I did a Ready, Set, Cook with Emeril Lagasse, I believe. – Mario Batali

Other quotes by Mario Batali

My family makes these vinegars – out of everything from grapes to peaches and cherries. We go through the whole process with the giant vat and drainer, label them, and give them as Christmas presents. – Mario Batali

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Everyone makes pesto in a food processor. But the texture is better with a mortar and pestle, and its just as fast. – Mario Batali

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When you cut that eggplant up and you roast it in the oven and you make the tomato sauce and you put it on top, your soul is in that food, and theres something about that that can never be made by a company that has three million employees. – Mario Batali

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The development of the food industry for both domestic and export markets relies on a regulatory framework that both protects the consumer and assures fair trading practices in food. – Gro Harlem Brundtland


Australia is the only island continent on the planet, which means that changes caused by planet-warming pollution – warmer seas, which can drive stronger storms, and more acidic oceans, which wreak havoc on the food chain – are even more deadly here. – Jeff Goodell


What is food to one man is bitter poison to others. – Lucretius


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We work in the dark – we do what we can – we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art. – Henry James
