Quote by Dylan McDermott
Nowadays you really have to pump out that blockbuster in order to

Nowadays you really have to pump out that blockbuster in order to have the luxury of getting a body of work, and thats sad because the work suffers. Today everything is based on money. The older actors, they inspire me. – Dylan McDermott

Other quotes by Dylan McDermott

Its like, no matter what I do, I always feel like Im five years old, and I end up in the back of my fathers car looking out the window, and nothing has changed in 25 years. – Dylan McDermott

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Style is innate to who I am. My father gave me a picture the other day. I must have been about seven, and I had on wing-tip shoes and some cool pants. I thought, Wow! – Dylan McDermott

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New York had a big influence on me growing up, and I was really part of the club scene – the Mudd Club and Studio 54. When youre living in New York, you are just bombarded with style, trying to figure out how to be cool and how to feel relaxed at the same time. – Dylan McDermott

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My childhood, I would say, was a bit sad. Society resents that. – Columba Bush


It was a long time in the making, my divorce. One day became less special than the next, and pretty soon, we ceased all conversation. It is a sad day when you have nothing left to say. – Ricki Lake


I feel quite sad for the young musicians coming up because they may never get to pay their rent properly. It doesnt matter what the genre nowadays, its so much harder than it ever was. – Bryan Adams


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