We can see nothing whatever of the soul unless it is visible in th

We can see nothing whatever of the soul unless it is visible in the expression of the countenance; one might call the faces at a large assembly of people a history of the human soul written in a kind of Chinese ideograms. – G. C. (Georg Christoph) Lichtenberg

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Face, Faces

A man finds room in the few square inches of the face for the traits of all his ancestors; for the expression of all his history, and his wants. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Face, Faces

It has been said that a pretty face is a passport. But its not, its a visa, and it runs out fast. – Julie Burchill

Face, Faces

The face is the index of the mind. – Proverb

Face, Faces

My face looks like a wedding-cake left out in the rain. – W. H. Auden

Face, Faces

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