We had news this morning of another successful atomic bomb being d

We had news this morning of another successful atomic bomb being dropped on Nagasaki. These two heavy blows have fallen in quick succession upon the Japanese and there will be quite a little space before we intend to drop another. – Henry L. Stimson

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Hezbollahs contempt for human suffering is total, as it showed once again this morning when its rockets murdered two Israeli Arab children in Nazareth. – Tom Lantos


A bachelor is a man who comes to work each morning from a different direction. – Sholom Aleichem


Not again! I thought to myself this morning, as news trickled out that John McCain was set to pick Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. Not again, because too often women are promoted for the wrong reasons, and then blamed when things dont go right. – Dee Dee Myers


Ill never forget one morning I walked in and I had a hell of a bruise – it had been a difficult night the night before – and a client said to me, Good God, Vidal, what happened to your face? And I said, Oh, nothing, madam, I just fell over a hairpin. – Vidal Sassoon


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For the level of condition that I have now, that was without a doubt the hardest physical thing I have ever done. I never felt a point where I hit the wall. It was really a gradual progression of fatigue and soreness. – Lance Armstrong


Ive been hearing this since I first joined the Reds organization, that Im going to be the next this or that. Its tough on a young player coming up. You show some positive things and everybody jumps on that and says you should be the next Willie Mays. – Eric Davis


A woman can look both moral and exciting… if she also looks as if it was quite a struggle. – Edna Ferber


Little girls are cute and small only to adults. To one another they are not cute. They are life-sized. – Margaret Atwood
