
Flight, Flying

Any landing you can walk away from is a good one. – Proverb

Flying is hours and hours of boredom sprinkled with a few seconds of sheer terror. – Gregory Pappy Boyington

Flying might not be all plain sailing, but the fun of it is worth the price. – Amelia Earhart

I wish I could write well enough to write about aircraft. Faulkner did it very well in Pylon but you cannot do something someone else has done though you might have done it if they hadnt. – Ernest Hemingway

I like terra firma; the more firma, the less terra. – George S. Kaufman

There are no signposts in the sky to show a man has passed that way before. There are no channels marked. The flier breaks each second into new uncharted seas. – Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Aviation is proof that given, the will, we have the capacity to achieve the impossible. – Edward Rickenbacker

The aeroplane has unveiled for us the true face of the earth. – Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Success four flights Thursday morning all against twenty one mile wind started from Level with engine power alone speed through air thirty one miles longest 57 second inform Press home Christmas. – Orville Wright