Quote by Dakota Fanning
I never get scared making these kinds of movies because its all ma

I never get scared making these kinds of movies because its all make-believe, but I did cry when I saw the finished version of Man On Fire because it is so sad. – Dakota Fanning

Other quotes by Dakota Fanning

It was really really neat to make the movie because there were mentally challenged actors in the movie. So that was really really cool to work with them and they were always really happy, and they made everybody really happy on the set too. – Dakota Fanning

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That was really cool. I got to kiss a little boy. I was 7 and he was 10, and his name is Thomas Curtis. He was the first boy Ive ever kissed in my entire life and he was three years older than me. – Dakota Fanning

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No not really, it is just like real life. Not everyday you are happy and not everyday you are sad. – Dakota Fanning

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Actually, the moment of victory is wonderful, but also sad. It means that your trip is ended. – Bill Toomey


Once I was checking to hotel and a couple saw my ring with Blues on it. They said, You play blues. That music is so sad. I gave them tickets to the show, and they came up afterwards and said, You didnt play one sad song. – Buddy Guy


To be a character who feels a deep emotion, one must go into the memorys vault and mix in a sad memory from ones own life. – Albert Finney


As virtuous men pass mildly away, and whisper to their souls to go, whilst some of their sad friends do say, the breath goes now, and some say no. – John Donne


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