Quote by Amy Vanderbilt
We must learn which ceremonies may be breached occasionally at our

We must learn which ceremonies may be breached occasionally at our convenience and which ones may never be if we are to live pleasantly with our fellow man. – Amy Vanderbilt

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Ritual, Ceremony

Ceremony and ritual spring from our heart of hearts: those who govern us know it well, for they would sooner deny us bread than dare alter the observance of tradition. – F. Gonzalez-Crussi

Every ceremony or rite has a value if it is performed without alteration. A ceremony is a book in which a great deal is written. Anyone who understands can read it. One rite often contains more than a hundred books. – George Gurdjieff

Ceremony was but devised at first to set a gloss on faint deeds, hollow welcomes, recanting goodness, sorry ere Tis shown; but where there is true friendship, there needs none. – William Shakespeare

Any serious attempt to try to do something worthwhile is ritualistic. – Derek Walcott

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