Quote by F. Gonzalez-Crussi
Ceremony and ritual spring from our heart of hearts: those who gov

Ceremony and ritual spring from our heart of hearts: those who govern us know it well, for they would sooner deny us bread than dare alter the observance of tradition. – F. Gonzalez-Crussi

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Ritual, Ceremony

Any serious attempt to try to do something worthwhile is ritualistic. – Derek Walcott

We must learn which ceremonies may be breached occasionally at our convenience and which ones may never be if we are to live pleasantly with our fellow man. – Amy Vanderbilt

Ritual will always mean throwing away something: destroying our corn or wine upon the altar of our gods. – G. K. Chesterton

Every ceremony or rite has a value if it is performed without alteration. A ceremony is a book in which a great deal is written. Anyone who understands can read it. One rite often contains more than a hundred books. – George Gurdjieff

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