We must not contradict, but instruct him that contradicts us; for

We must not contradict, but instruct him that contradicts us; for a madman is not cured by another running mad also. – Antisthenes

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Argument & Debate

The long term versus the short term argument is one used by losers. – Larry Adler

My wife was too beautiful for words, but not for arguments. – John Barrymore

Two dogs strive for a bone and the third one runs off with it. – Proverb

I tell you Wellington is a bad general, the English are bad soldiers; we will settle this matter by lunch time. – Napoleon Bonaparte

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Every non-political human grouping of whatever kind, legal, social, religious, economic or other becomes at last political if it creates an opposition deep enough to range men against one another as enemies. – Francis Parker Yockey


Art and Religion are, then, two roads by which men escape from circumstance to ecstasy. Between aesthetic and religious rapture there is a family alliance. Art and Religion are means to similar states of mind. – Clive Bell
