Im not much of a golfer, I dont have any friends and all I like to

Im not much of a golfer, I dont have any friends and all I like to do is go home and be alone, and not worry about ways not to lose. – Paul William “Bear” Bryant

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Sports :: Golf

Golf is a game whose aim is to hit a very small ball into an even smaller hole, with weapons singularly ill-designed for the purpose. – Sir Winston Churchill

Sports :: Golf

I look into their eyes, shake their hand, pat their back, and wish them luck, but I am thinking, I am going to bury you. – Seve Ballesteros

Sports :: Golf

Golf is a spiritual game. Its like Zen. You have to let your mind take over. – Amy Strum Alcott

Sports :: Golf

Every time a fellow golfer gives me a piece of advice I have thought about it. A different thing is that this advice can be introduced into my golfing routine. Jaime, O – Seve Ballesteros

Sports :: Golf

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