Too much agreement kills the chat. – Eldridge Cleaver
History could pass for a scarlet text, its jot and title graven red in human blood. – Eldridge Cleaver
Too much agreement kills the chat. – Eldridge Cleaver
History could pass for a scarlet text, its jot and title graven red in human blood. – Eldridge Cleaver
The paper tiger hero, James Bond, offering the whites a triumphant image of themselves, is saying what many whites want desperately to hear reaffirmed: I am still the White Man, lord of the land, licensed to kill, and the world is still an empire at my feet. – Eldridge Cleaver
The Twist was a guided missile, launched from the ghetto into the very heart of suburbia. The Twist succeeded, as politics, religion, and law could never do, in writing in the heart and soul what the Supreme Court could only write on the books. – Eldridge Cleaver