Quote by Samuel Johnson
Why, Sir, most schemes of political improvement are very laughable

Why, Sir, most schemes of political improvement are very laughable things. – Samuel Johnson

Other quotes by Samuel Johnson

A fly may sting a stately horse and make him wince; but one is but an insect, and the other is a horse still. – Samuel Johnson

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Wine gives a man nothing. It neither gives him knowledge nor wit; it only animates a man, and enables him to bring out what a dread of the company has repressed. It only puts in motion what had been locked up in frost. – Samuel Johnson

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Reform, Correction

Some who will not speak against another, in the end does them harm. – Proverb

A reformer is one who sets forth cheerfully toward sure defeat. – Lydia Maria Child

The amelioration of the world cannot be achieved by sacrifices in moments of crisis; it depends on the efforts made and constantly repeated during the humdrum, uninspiring periods, which separate one crisis from another, and of which normal lives mainly consist. – Aldous Huxley

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