Experience has two things to teach. The first is that we must correct a great deal and the second, that we must not correct too much. – Eugene Delacroix
The first of all commodities to be exchanged is labour, and the freedom of man consists only in the exercise of the right to determine for himself in what manner his labour shall be employed, and how he will dispose of its products. – Henry Charles Carey
To harmonize the One with the Many, this is indeed a difficult adjustment, perhaps the most difficult of all, and so important, withal, that nations have perished from their failure to achieve it. – Irving Babbitt
I was always just into my music and maybe into trying to save the world a little bit. I never really thought Id have a hit record or anything like that. I was prepared to travel around all over the country, kind of like a Johnny Appleseed, and sing. – Don McLean