Most of us have become deaf to our own bodies, which is why we are out of tune. – Terri Guillemets
I drifted into a summer-nap under the hot shade of July, serenaded by a cicadae lullaby, to drowsy-warm dreams of distant thunder. – Terri Guillemets
Most of us have become deaf to our own bodies, which is why we are out of tune. – Terri Guillemets
I drifted into a summer-nap under the hot shade of July, serenaded by a cicadae lullaby, to drowsy-warm dreams of distant thunder. – Terri Guillemets
Iced tea may not have as much wisdom as hot tea, but in the summer better a cool and refreshed dullard than a steamy sweat-drenched sage — leave sagacity to the autumn! – Terri Guillemets
Stress flails itself down trying to block every path of happiness. – Terri Guillemets