Money is something you got to make in case you dont die. – Max Asnas
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Take free money. No matter how in debt you are, if your employer offers a matching contribution on a 401(k) or other retirement vehicle, you must sign up and contribute enough to get the maximum company match each year. Think of it as a bonus. – Suze Orman
Ridiculous yachts and private planes and big limousines wont make people enjoy life more, and it sends out terrible messages to the people who work for them. It would be so much better if that money was spent in Africa – and its about getting a balance. – Richard Branson
When anger rushes unrestrained to action, like a hot steed, it stumbles on its way. The man of thought strikes deepest and strikes safely. – Richard Savage
When you put your total faith in God, no matter what happens, to a person whos a true believer, if you die, you know youre going to heaven to be with God. – Jim Bakker
Some people would have us love, or rather obey God, chiefly because he outbids the devil. – Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare, Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers