As meditation flowers, you find that on one hand truth has reveale

As meditation flowers, you find that on one hand truth has revealed to you all its mysteries and on the other blissfulness is showering all its treasures on you. – Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

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We are sick with fascination for the useful tools of names and numbers, of symbols, signs, conceptions and ideas. Meditation is therefore the art of suspending verbal and symbolic thinking for a time, somewhat as a courteous audience will stop talking when a concert is about to begin. – Alan Watts


Mind is a door that leads you outside in the world; meditation is the door that leads you to your interiority—to the very innermost shrine of your being. – Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh


Modern man is too impatient and wants to master the art of meditation immediately. – SwāmÄ« Rāma

[T]he peace of mind that we get from meditation does not fade away. It lasts for good in some corner of the inmost recesses of our aspiring heart. – Sri Chinmoy


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