In literature as in ethics, there is danger, as well as glory, in being subtle. Aristocracy isolates us. – Charles Baudelaire
I can barely conceive of a type of beauty in which there is no Melancholy. – Charles Baudelaire
In literature as in ethics, there is danger, as well as glory, in being subtle. Aristocracy isolates us. – Charles Baudelaire
I can barely conceive of a type of beauty in which there is no Melancholy. – Charles Baudelaire
The lover of life makes the whole world into his family, just as the lover of the fair sex creates his from all the lovely women he has found, from those that could be found, and those who are impossible to find. – Charles Baudelaire
The cannon thunders… limbs fly in all directions… one can hear the groans of victims and the howling of those performing the sacrifice… its Humanity in search of happiness. – Charles Baudelaire