

If the radiance of a thousand suns
Were to burst at once into the sky
That would be like the splendor of the Mighty one —
I am become Death,
The shatterer of Worlds. – Hindu Spiritual

Avarice, envy, pride,
Three fatal sparks, have set the hearts of all
On Fire. – Dante Alighieri

Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us. – Jane Austen

In literature as in ethics, there is danger, as well as glory, in being subtle. Aristocracy isolates us. – Charles Baudelaire

This lifes dim windows of the soul
Distorts the heavens from pole to pole
And leads you to believe a lie
When you see with, not through, the eye. – William Blake

I realized early on that the academy and the literary world alike – Harold Bloom

The great Creator to revere
Must sure become the creature;
But still the preaching cant forbear,
And evn the rigid feature:
Yet neer with wits profane to range
Be complaisance extended;An atheist laughs a poor exchange
For deity offended. – Robert Burns

Tis pleasant, sure, to see ones name in print. A books a book, although theres nothing in t. – Lord (George Gordon) Byron

In the true Literary Man there is thus ever, acknowledged or not by the world, a sacredness: he is the light of the world; the worlds Priest; — guiding it, like a sacred Pillar of Fire, in its dark pilgrimage through the waste of Time. – Thomas Carlyle

Tis an old saying, the Devil lurks behind the cross. All is not gold that glitters. From the tail of the plough, Bamba was made King of Spain; and from his silks and riches was Rodrigo cast to be devoured by the snakes. – Miguel de Cervantes

Over the river and through the wood,
To grandfathers house we go;
The horse knows the way
To carry the sleigh,
Through the white and drifted snow. – Lydia Maria Child

The test of literature is, I suppose, whether we ourselves live more intensely for the reading of it. – Elizabeth Drew

The people have a right supreme
To make their kings, for Kings are made for them.
All Empire is no more than Powr in Trust,
Which when resumd, can be no longer just.
Successionm for the general good designd,
In its own wrong a Nation cannot bind. – John Dryden

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper. – TS (Thomas Stearns) Eliot

I always read the last page of a book first so that if I die before I finish Ill know how it turned out. – Nora Ephron

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep. – Robert Frost

Yet ah! why should they know their fate?
Since sorrow never comes too late,
And happiness too swiftly flies.
Thought would destroy their paradise.
No more; where ignorance is bliss,
Tis folly to be wise. – Thomas Gray

It was a pleasant caf – Ernest Hemingway

At last is Hector stretchd upon the plain,
Who feard no vengeance for Patroclus slain:
Then, Prince! You should have feard, what now you feel;
Achilles absent was Achilles still:
Yet a short space the great avenger stayed,
Then low in dust thy strength and glory laid. – Homer

Prometheus is action. Hamlet is hesitation. In Prometheus the obstacle is exterior; in Hamlet it is interior. In Prometheus the will is securely nailed down by nails of brass and cannot get loose; besides, it has by its side two watchers – Victor Hugo