Life without faith in something is too narrow a space to live. - G

Life without faith in something is too narrow a space to live. – George Lancaster Spalding

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Cancer Support

A hospital should also have a recovery room adjoining the cashier’s office. – Francis O’Walsh

Cancer Support

One must not forget that recovery is brought about not by the physician, but by the sick man himself. He heals himself, by his own power, exactly as he walks by means of his own power, or eats, or thinks, breathes or sleeps. – Georg Groddeck, The Book of the It, 1923

Cancer Support

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. – Herm Albright, quoted in Reader’s Digest, June 1995

Cancer Support

Disease is war with the laws of our being, and all war, as a great general has said, is hell. – Lewis G. Janes

Cancer Support

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