Leap-year is, according to traditionary lore, invested with sundry

Leap-year is, according to traditionary lore, invested with sundry privileges and immunities to the fair. – Frederick Saunders, “The Cycle of the Seasons,” Salad for the Solitary and the S

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Leap Year Day

Intercalary: Inserted out of the common order to preserve the equation of time, as the twenty-ninth of February in a leap year is an intercalary day. – A Dictionary of the English Language by Robert Gordon Latham, founded on that of

Leap Year Day

It takes three springs to make one leap year. – The Comic Almanack

Leap Year Day

The year of the sun consisteth of three hundred and sixty-five days and six hours, wanting eleven minutes; which six hours omitted, will, in time, deprave the compute: and this was the occasion of bissextile, or leap year. – Brown, quoted by Johnson

Leap Year Day

A strange amazing day that comes only once every four years… A day of temporal tune up! – Vera Nazarian

Leap Year Day

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