Quote by Jay Weatherill
By and large we have got to find the good leaders to work with to

By and large we have got to find the good leaders to work with to make sure that we build the strength in these communities. Simply issuing edicts from Canberra isnt going to solve issues on the APY lands. – Jay Weatherill

Other quotes by Jay Weatherill

My government, you can be assured, will be less focused on personalities. It is about treating people with respect. I think complaining about the community not being able to see the wisdom of our ideas is the wrong approach. – Jay Weatherill

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People want the freedom. They want to be able to shop. If you dont like the shop trading hours and youre a shop owner, you dont have to open. – Jay Weatherill

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We are all in this together. We want to have, I suppose, a single point of entry so that anyone coming near a disability service can get a very complete picture. Government needs to understand that picture, and we need to be able to offer somebody a one-stop shop. – Jay Weatherill

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