For the INFJ, all of reality is surreal. – Terri Guillemets
Watching the smoke dance out of a cigarette is like watching a girl dance out of her dress. – Terri Guillemets
For the INFJ, all of reality is surreal. – Terri Guillemets
Watching the smoke dance out of a cigarette is like watching a girl dance out of her dress. – Terri Guillemets
Spontaneity is good. Routine is good. Conflicting goodness? No. Balance is life. – Terri Guillemets
Be a love pharmacist: dispense hugs like medicine — they are! – Terri Guillemets
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. I would rather ride on earth in an ox cart, with a free circulation, than go to heaven in the fancy car of an excursion train and breathe a malaria all the way. – Henry David Thoreau, Walden: Or, Life in the Woods, “Economy” #infj
Some people want fame, popularity and huge sales. Ive always hoped to have a really long career. So Ive tried to make each of my creative decisions and business decisions to allow for longevity. As a side effect I got really famous and really big. I didnt realize the two could go together. – Jewel