Quote by John Oates
I have a great family, I live an amazing life. - John Oates

I have a great family, I live an amazing life. – John Oates

Other quotes by John Oates

In our relationship, we dont have that situation. I dont require what he needs, and he doesnt require what I need. I know what I do I have an amazing life that nobody knows about. – John Oates

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If you look over the years, the styles have changed – the clothes, the hair, the production, the approach to the songs. The icing to the cake has changed flavors. But if you really look at the cake itself, its really the same. – John Oates

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I have an amazing relationship with food. – Katharine McPhee


It is amazing to think after all that has happened in this country in the last few years, the last few decades, that so many people have this blind faith that government is our friend and therefore, so we dont need protections against it. – James Bovard


As an editor, I read Charlotte Rogans amazing debut novel, The Lifeboat, when it was still in manuscript. I read it in one night, and I really wanted my company to publish it, but we lost it to another house. Its such a wonderful combination of beautiful writing and suspenseful storytelling. – Karen Thompson Walker


I cannot stress enough that the answer to lifes questions is often in peoples faces. Try putting your iPhones down once in a while, and look in peoples faces. Peoples faces will tell you amazing things. Like if they are angry, or nauseous or asleep. – Amy Poehler


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Losing the Super Bowl is worse than death. You have to get up the next morning. – George Allen, quoted in J. Mitchell Perry & Steve Jamison, In the Zone: Achi

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Part of the reason for the ugliness of adults, in a childs eyes, is that the child is usually looking upwards, and few faces are at their best when seen from below. – George Orwell
