Quote by Jeff Bridges
I have a cycle that is not particularly cool, but its a cycle: tra

I have a cycle that is not particularly cool, but its a cycle: trash myself to reward myself. – Jeff Bridges

Other quotes by Jeff Bridges

In life and in movies, its a similar challenge, where you have expectations, and you end up in situations that are not meeting your expectations. – Jeff Bridges

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Im very much into the costuming of any character that I portray and its one of the great things about making movies is its a collaborative art form so you get all these artists who are looking specifically about for this instance your characters costume and what that might tell about your character. – Jeff Bridges

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I remember being on film sets when I was younger, and only men got to do the cool action movies. So I thought, Maybe Ill get to produce one day and get to do cool stuff too, which is what happened when we did Charlies Angels. Starting my production company was a big turning point for me. – Drew Barrymore


We had incense and rocknroll posters, and we sold records and rolling papers. People could just, like, hang out. We had a cool vibe going. – Tommy Hilfiger


I just thought it could make a really cool movie. Its not that its just a buddy comedy but its all about two guys hating each other and towards the end theyre good friends. I liked that these two guys were best friends from the very beginning, and theyre crazy. – Sean William Scott


When youre a kid, you see your parents reading the newspaper and youre like, God, why are they reading the newspaper? When youre young, youre not reading the newspaper. But there comes a time in your life when the newspapers cool. – Fred Durst


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I try to be careful because technology changes so much over the years. But some things dont change. Kids and parents have disagreements, kids try to manipulate, parents try to sit down with rules and regs. That part never changes. – Paula Danziger


Madonna is a pro. I dont like her and have no respect for her but- I dont think she should be called a musician or a dancer or whatever you know, but I do have, well I do have respect for her ability to completely manipulate the media and have them work for her. – Jon Fishman


Philosophers make imaginary laws for imaginary commonwealths, and their discourses are as the stars, which give little light because they are so high. – Francis Bacon
