Quote by Taylor Lautner
I guess winning an Oscar is the ultimate dream. A lot of amazing a

I guess winning an Oscar is the ultimate dream. A lot of amazing actors go their whole career without even being nominated. So that would definitely be a goal to reach. Its a difficult one, but Im aiming for it! – Taylor Lautner

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Filming Eclipse – Eclipse was my favorite book so I was really excited to start filming the movie. I just love that its the height of the love triangle. Twilight develops Edward and Bellas relationship, New Moon develops Jacob and Bellas and in Eclipse, the three of them are physically together. – Taylor Lautner

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I hope that I would be considered romantic. I dont know… one of my favorite movies is The Notebook so I guess that would be considered romantic. But I think being romantic is more than the flowers and the gifts. Its about connecting with the person and being able to talk and share things with her. – Taylor Lautner

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Theres some things you just have to live with. Like twelve cars camping outside your house, and when you wake up in the morning, theyre going to follow you wherever you go. It helps that I live in Valencia. It eliminates some. But theyre still here. – Taylor Lautner

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Im not an Adonis, thats for damn sure. Ive never really thought of myself that way, and it doesnt matter to me. My favorite actors arent Adonises. Dustin Hoffman is a flawed-looking man hes amazing to me. Tom Hanks is flawed-looking people love him. Same with Gene Hackman. – Shia LaBeouf


I love vintage shopping, I think its really fun. And I love the feeling of finding the most amazing piece for less. – Emma Roberts


Every time I sit in the audience and watch a show that I have been involved with, it is such an amazing feeling to see all those people around me, knowing they are actually watching and enjoying something I have written. – Bjorn Ulvaeus


The people Ive been exposed to have been people of amazing integrity. – Amy Grant


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If we wish to make a new world we have the material ready. The first one, too, was made out of chaos. – Robert Quillen


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Dishonesty is so grasping it would deceive God himself, were it possible. – George Bancroft
