Quote by Taylor Lautner
I guess winning an Oscar is the ultimate dream. A lot of amazing a

I guess winning an Oscar is the ultimate dream. A lot of amazing actors go their whole career without even being nominated. So that would definitely be a goal to reach. Its a difficult one, but Im aiming for it! – Taylor Lautner

Other quotes by Taylor Lautner

Ive always been really active. I grew up playing sports, so Im always shooting hoops or throwing the football with my friends. Im super-active in that sense. – Taylor Lautner

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Ive always kind of had an interest in the drums but nothing else. The drums are the only thing I feel I would be good at, because Im a very physical person. Ive always played sports and stuff. Drums would give me something to do. – Taylor Lautner

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Filming Eclipse – Eclipse was my favorite book so I was really excited to start filming the movie. I just love that its the height of the love triangle. Twilight develops Edward and Bellas relationship, New Moon develops Jacob and Bellas and in Eclipse, the three of them are physically together. – Taylor Lautner

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Its actually amazing because you go so far into another side of your brain when youre studying something completely different, and I loved it. – Dido Armstrong


The Madden NFL franchise holds a special place in popular culture and the cover is a coveted position for players all over the league. Im honored to be the first cover athlete chosen by Madden NFL fans and its a great way to cap off an amazing year for the Saints and the city of New Orleans. – Drew Brees


Most of the southern hemisphere is unexplored. We had more exploration ships down there during Captain Cooks time than now. Its amazing. – Robert Ballard


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Hang in There

It was 100 feet of 16 mm black-and-white film of a car coming to a stop sign, and driving off. I had to decide how to frame and light it. It was magic. There was a sense of mystery. – Conrad Hall


If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise. – Johann von Goethe

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