[A]ll deities reside in the human breast. – William Blake, “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell” Category: Religion
To reject even one major tenet of the religion or to violate one major rule of behavior is enough to get one kicked out – or worse. – Robert Shea Category: Religion
Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. – Albert Einstein Category: Religion
No power of government ought to be employed in the endeavor to establish any system or article of belief on the subject of religion. – Jeremy Bentham Category: Religion
But let us remember, at the same time, government is sacred, and not to be trifled with. – Jonathan Mayhew Category: Government
Yield to all and you will soon have nothing to yield. – Aesop, “The Man and His Two Wives,” Fables Category: Conformity
I just want to keep doing what Im doing and hopefully people will watch my movies. – Leonardo DiCaprio Category: movies
Christian fundamentalism: the doctrine that there is an absolutely powerful, infinitely knowledgeable, universe spanning entity that is deeply and personally concerned about my sex life. – Andrew Lias Category: Religion