Golf appeals to the idiot in us and the child.& Just how childlike golf players become is proven by their frequent inability to count past five. – John Updike
It is as absurd to say that a man cant love one woman all the time as it is to say that a violinist needs several violins to play the same piece of music. – Honore de Balzac
Whats that line from TS Eliot? To arrive at the place where you started, but to know it for the first time. Im able to write about a breakup from a different place. Same brokenness. Same rock-bottom. But a little more informed, now Im older. Thank God for growing up. – Alanis Morissette
Acting is not about dressing up. Acting is about stripping bare. The whole essence of learning lines is to forget them so you can make them sound like you thought of them that instant. – Glenda Jackson
Satire is tragedy plus time. You give it enough time, the public, the reviewers will allow you to satirize it. Which is rather ridiculous, when you think about it. – Lenny Bruce