Quote by Michelle Rodriguez
Going to car racing school was phenomenal. - Michelle Rodriguez

Going to car racing school was phenomenal. – Michelle Rodriguez

Other quotes by Michelle Rodriguez

I use to watch like maybe three or four movies, five days out of the week. I was a movie buff, but I really didnt know what it was like behind the scenes, or the whole political process of it. – Michelle Rodriguez

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Basically I was a rebel growing up. I got kicked out of six schools. But I dont think that it makes you less of an intellect. You know, if you ever crave knowledge, theres always a library. – Michelle Rodriguez

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I dont want to be in my car all day. I love getting up in the morning in Venice and walking my dogs down to the cafe to get my tea, and then perhaps going to a bookstore and sitting and reading, then walking to the beach. – Jessica Chastain


To attract men, I wear a perfume called New Car Interior. – Rita Rudner


I was in prison for a charge in Texas, murder one. Back in the 70s in Texas, I was there. I heard the shot. I was in the car. – Duane Chapman


In the car and in front of the camera I tend to be very calm but behind the scenes I can get fired up and passionate, I just dont see the need to shout my mouth off in public. – Jenson Button


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