Quote by Alan Jackson
What I enjoy doing more than anything is, I have my little antique

What I enjoy doing more than anything is, I have my little antique car collection, and when the weather is pretty I like to get out one of my old cars. I have a little route I run down in the country, down Nachez Trace Parkway. The loop down through there is just really relaxing, not much traffic. – Alan Jackson

Other quotes by Alan Jackson

I like to write sad songs. Theyre much easier to write and you get a lot more emotion into them. But people dont want to hear them as much. And radio definitely doesnt they want that positive, uptempo thing. – Alan Jackson

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My mother kept asking me, When are you going to do a gospel album? And Ive always wanted to do a gospel album. Everybody was going on about it, so mom started hounding me more. – Alan Jackson

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Buying a car used to be an experience so soul-scorching, so confidence-splattering, so existentially rattling that an entire car company was based on the promise that you wouldnt have to come in contact with it. – Susan Orlean


Ive already established my (political)machinery. Its like a car. Its fixed already. You just have to get in and drive it. – Manny Pacquiao


On the dance floor, as much as you say, Ladies, you are the car. He is the driver. You can only go where he takes you, they still try to be in control. – Len Goodman


Every job has its downside. For example, being in a band the travel part of it – getting picked up from your house in a car, going to the airport, getting on a plane, going from the airplane to a van, then going from the van to a hotel. – Dave Lombardo


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