Quote by Ingrid Newkirk
Going meat-free can make a huge difference. Studies show that vege

Going meat-free can make a huge difference. Studies show that vegetarians are, on average, 10 to 20 pounds lighter than meat-eaters and that a vegetarian diet reduces our risk of heart disease by 40 percent and adds seven or more years to our lifespan. – Ingrid Newkirk

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Give your dog or cat respect, patience, understanding and love. And if you just change to one vegetarian day a week, thats a wonderful step that will save animal lives. It means you have chosen something kind instead of something cruel. – Ingrid Newkirk

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Although we have, in theory, abolished human slavery, recognized womens rights, and stopped child labor, we continue to enslave other species who, if we simply pay attention, show quite clearly that they experience parental love, pain, and the desire for freedom, just as we do. – Ingrid Newkirk

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All of us in society are supposed to believe that cruelty to animals is wrong and that it is a good thing to prevent needless suffering. So if that is true, how can meat be acceptable under any but the most extraordinary circumstances, such as perhaps roasting the bird who died flying into a window? – Ingrid Newkirk

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I think violence, cynicism, brutality and fashion are the staples of our diet. I think in the grand history of story-telling, going back to people sitting around fires, the dark side of human nature has always been very important. Movies are part of that tradition. – Eric Stoltz


I think by planning an exercise regime, your diet follows to some extent. – Dolph Lundgren


Sex keeps me in shape. I dont diet, I eat what I like. I love Mars bars and I smoke and drink. But I love running off in the middle of the day to make love. It really burns up calories. – Lisa Snowdon


I did my famous cabbage soup diet, so I was able to do it. – Ellen Burstyn


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