Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood. – T.S. Eliot, Dante, 1920
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Poetry! poetry! the emptiest of all words, or the most significant,—the most frivolous of all things, or the most important. – Alexandre Vinet (1797–1847)
I think that great poetry is the most interesting and complex use of the poets language at that point in history, and so its even more exciting when you read a poet like Yeats, almost 100 years old now, and you think that perhaps no one can really top that. – Diane Wakoski
[Poetry] feeds on the purest substance of the sentiments of the soul. It quenches its thirst with a nectar that has no dregs. – Alexandre Vinet (1797–1847)
Of course there are regrets. I shall regret always that I found my own authentic voice in politics. I was too conservative, too conventional. Too safe, too often. Too defensive. Too reactive. Later, too often on the back foot. – John Major
I am excited to rise today to support National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day. This celebration honors the husband and wife business owner teams whose work helps drive the economy and fuel job growth. – Melissa Bean