Genius makes its observations in short-hand; talent writes them out at length. – Christian Nevell Bovee Category: Genius
Genius is the gold in the mine; talent is the miner who works and brings it out. – Marguerite Blessington Category: Genius
In every work of genius, we recognize our own rejected thoughts; they come back to us with a certain alienated majesty. – Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Self Reliance,” Essays, 1841 Category: Genius
Happy is the man who has broken the chains which hurt the mind, and has given up worrying once and for all. – Ovid Category: Happiness
Im not famous for my back story investigations Im lucky that I work with good writers and its usually in the script. – Bill Nighy Category: famous
Bid, then, the tender light of faith to shine By which alone the mortal heart is led Unto the thinking of the thought divine. – George Santayana Category: alone