Even a purely moral act that has no hope of any immediate and visible political effect can gradually and indirectly, over time, gain in political significance. – Vaclav Havel
Ive tried to reduce profanity but I reduced so much profanity when writing the book that Im afraid not much could come out. Perhaps we will have to consider it simply as a profane book and hope that the next book will be less profane or perhaps more sacred. – Ernest Hemingway
Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A world of optimism and hope. A you can do it when things are tough. – Richard M. DeVos
I know the world is filled with troubles and many injustices. But reality is as beautiful as it is ugly. I think it is just as important to sing about beautiful mornings as it is to talk about slums. I just couldnt write anything without hope in it. – Oscar Hammerstein II
The aim of all commentary on art now should be to make works of art – and, by analogy, our own experience – more, rather than less, real to us. The function of criticism should be to show how it is what it is, even that it is what it is, rather than to show what it means. – Susan Sontag
All art is exorcism. I paint dreams and visions too the dreams and visions of my time. Painting is the effort to produce order order in yourself. There is much chaos in me, much chaos in our time. – Otto Dix