

He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper. This amicable conflict with difficulty helps us to an intimate acquaintance with our object, and compels us to consider it in all its relations. It will not suffer us to be superficial. – Edmund Burke

I stood among them, but not of them; in a shroud of thoughts which were not their thoughts. – Lord (George Gordon) Byron

Assent — and you are sane — , demur — youre straightway dangerous — , and handled with a Chain — . – Emily Dickinson

Wild intelligence abhors any narrow world; and the world of women must stay narrow, or the woman is an outlaw. No woman could be Nietzsche or Rimbaud without ending up in a whorehouse or lobotomized. – Andrea Dworkin

Everything you are against weakens you. Everything you are for empowers you. – Wayne Dyer

May we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion. – Dwight D Eisenhower

But most of us are apt to settle within ourselves that the man who blocks our way is odious, and not to mind causing him a little of the disgust which his personality excites in ourselves. – George Eliot

I love opposition that has convictions. – Frederick the Great

Opposition is not necessarily enmity; it is merely misused and made an occasion for enmity. – Sigmund Freud

When you run into someone who is disagreeable to others, you may be sure he is uncomfortable with himself; the amount of pain we inflict upon others is directly proportional to the amount we feel within us. – Sydney J. Harris

It is hard for any one to be an honest politician who is not born and bred a Dissenter. – William Hazlitt

The beginning of thought is in disagreement — not only with others but also with ourselves. – Eric Hoffer

If we confuse dissent with disloyalty – Edward R. Murrow

I have spent many years of my life in opposition and I like the role. – Eleanor Roosevelt