Quote by Samuel Butler
It is not he who gains the exact point in dispute who scores most

It is not he who gains the exact point in dispute who scores most in controversy — but he who has shown the better temper. – Samuel Butler

Other quotes by Samuel Butler

Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises. – Samuel Butler

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The Athanasian Creed is to me light and intelligible reading in comparison with much that now passes for science. – Samuel Butler

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Other Quotes from
Argument & Debate

Two dogs strive for a bone and the third one runs off with it. – Proverb

Most of the arguments to which I am party fall somewhat short of being impressive, knowing to the fact that neither I nor my opponent knows what we are talking about – Robert Benchley

I tell you Wellington is a bad general, the English are bad soldiers; we will settle this matter by lunch time. – Napoleon Bonaparte

Wise men argue cases, fools decide them. – Anacharsis

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