Quote by Ellen DeGeneres
Find out who you are and be that person. Thats what your soul was

Find out who you are and be that person. Thats what your soul was put on this Earth to be. Find that truth, live that truth and everything else will come. – Ellen DeGeneres

Other quotes by Ellen DeGeneres

I was coming home from kindergarten – well they told me it was kindergarten. I found out later I had been working in a factory for ten years. Its good for a kid to know how to make gloves. – Ellen DeGeneres

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Even before I knew I was gay, I knew I didnt want to have a child. I knew I didnt want to have one. I never want to have to release it from me. Listen, I love babies. I love children. And I melt when Im around them. I also love my freedom and I love that I can sleep at night. – Ellen DeGeneres

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Faith is part of who I am, yes. I was raised Christian Scientist. The most important thing I saw every single week on the wall at Sunday school was the Golden Rule. – Ellen DeGeneres

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I have always loved truth so passionately that I have often resorted to lying as a way of introducing it into the minds which were ignorant of its charms. – Giacomo Casanova


This is the truth: as from a fire aflame thousands of sparks come forth, even so from the Creator an infinity of beings have life and to him return again. – Marcus Tullius Cicero


All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. – Arthur Schopenhauer


I am aware that a philosophers ideas are not subject to the judgment of ordinary persons, because it is his endeavour to seek the truth in all things, to the extent permitted to human reason by God. – Nicolaus Copernicus


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