Aerobics: a series of strenuous exercises which help convert fats, sugars, and starches into aches, pains, and cramps. – Author Unknown Category: Exercise
Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it. – Plato Category: Exercise
A man may take as much exercise in walking a mile up and down stairs, as in ten on level ground. – Benjamin Franklin Category: Exercise
Sorrow is a kind of rust of the soul, which every new idea contributes in its passage to scour away. It is the putrefaction of stagnant life, and is remedied by exercise and motion. – Samuel Johnson Category: Exercise
If you want work well done, select a busy man — the other kind has no time. – Elbert Hubbard Category: Time
And remember, its also very funny, because side by side with grief lies joy. – Fran Drescher Category: funny
Men are but children of a larger growth, Our appetites as apt to change as theirs, And full as craving too, and full as vain. – Diane Arbus Category: Change