[F]lowers… adorn our lanes, fields and fells, and… smile upon us and cheer and bless us in our country rambles…. the lovely blossoms… kiss the clear brooks and mountain wells… – James Rigg, “Preface,” Wild Flower Lyrics and Other Poems, 1897
Against a dark sky all flowers look like fireworks. There is something strange about them, at once vivid and secret, like flowers traced in fire in the phantasmal garden of a witch. – G.K. Chesterton, Alarms and Discursions, “The Glory of Grey”
Not a problem kid or anything like that so when youre in the legal system like that, its always hard on a person for the first time to go through some things like that. – Leonard Little
The borrowing is often honest enough, and comes of magnanimity and stoutness. A great man quotes bravely and will not draw on his invention when his memory serves him with a word as good. – Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Quotation and Originality,” Letters and Social Aims, 1876
Most young people havent used their storytelling skills since they were 8 or 9 or 10 and wanted to persuade Mom and Dad to take them to the ball game. – Peter Guber