

True silence is the rest of the mind; it is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment. – William Penn

Silence is the true friend that never betrays. – Confucius

An inability to stay quiet is one of the most conspicuous failings of mankind. – Walter Bagehot

Silence is a source of great strength. – Lao Tzu

Silence is the universal refuge, the sequel to all dull discourses and all foolish acts, a balm to our every chagrin, as welcome after satiety as after disappointment. – Henry David Thoreau

Accustomed to the veneer of noise, to the shibboleths of promotion, public relations, and market research, society is suspicious of those who value silence. – John Lahr

The Arctic expresses the sum of all wisdom: Silence. – Walter Bauer

I have often lamented that we cannot close our ears with as much ease as we can our eyes. – Richard Steele

Now all my teachers are dead except silence. – W.S. Merwin

All noise is waste. So cultivate quietness in your speech, in your thoughts, in your emotions. Speak habitually low. Wait for attention and then you low words will be charged with dynamite. – Elbert Hubbard

In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in an clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth. – Mahatma Gandhi

Silence is a fence around wisdom. – German Proverb

The silent man is the best to listen to. – Japanese Proverb

Silence is as deep as eternity; speech, shallow as time. – Thomas Carlyle

You hesitate to stab me with a word, and know not – silence is the sharper sword. – Samuel Johnson

Silence is medication for sorrow. – Arab Proverb

To silence another, first be silent yourself. – Latin Proverb

Silence was never written down. – Italian Proverb

Silence is exhilarating at first – as noise is – but there is a sweetness to silence outlasting exhilaration, akin to the sweetness of listening and the velvet of sleep. – Edward Hoagland

Not merely an absence of noise, Real Silence begins when a reasonable being withdraws from the noise in order to find peace and order in his inner sanctuary. – Peter Minard