Quote by Fred Ward
I doing casual labor by the day. They wouldnt pay you until the ne

I doing casual labor by the day. They wouldnt pay you until the next morning. There was a bar that would cash your check if you bought a beer first. A lot of guys never left until theyd drunk up all their money. – Fred Ward

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I write in the morning from about eight till noon, and sometimes again a bit in the afternoon. In the morning I start off by going over what I had done the previous day, which my wife has happily typed up for me. – Gene Hackman


Im still going to do television. Im just not going to do morning television. I would like to do some things that satisfy interests, private interests. – Bryant Gumbel


Somebody said to me this morning, To what do you attribute your longevity? I dont know. I mean, I couldnt have planned my life out better. By all accounts I should be dead! The abuse I put my body through: the drugs, the alcohol, the lifestyle Ive lived the last 30 years! – Ozzy Osbourne


I started writing morning pages just to keep my hand in, you know, just because I was a writer and I didnt know what else to do but write. And then one day as I was writing, a character came sort of strolling in and I realized, Oh my God, I dont have to be just a screenwriter. I can write novels. – Julia Cameron


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