Quote by Kenneth Tynan
A critic is a man who knows the way but cant drive the car. - Kenn

A critic is a man who knows the way but cant drive the car. – Kenneth Tynan

Other quotes by Kenneth Tynan

The buttocks are the most aesthetically pleasing part of the body because they are non-functional. Although they conceal an essential orifice, these pointless globes are as near as the human form can ever come to abstract art. – Kenneth Tynan

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Anyone can write a story based on the kind of horror where you see a guy in car and then theres the bad guy in the back seat. Its infantile to rely on that for telling a story. Thats like going to bed and thinking theres a monster under your bed. Its silly. – Sergio Aragones


I need to develop a car and engineer a car in a position that feels comfortable for me, and I dont think anyone can do a better job than I can in that position. The problem for me is if I cant get the car there I do struggle more than some. – Jenson Button


I was always an observer, even as a child. I could be satisfied to sit in a car for 3 hours and just look at the street go by while my mother went shopping. – Jonathan Winters


I remember my wife and I used to get on plane and see everybody else with their babies. Theyd be putting strollers and car seats up above, and wed think: Oh, please Lord, dont make us go through that. – Paul Reiser


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