Quote by Michael Pollan
Corn is an efficient way to get energy calories off the land and s

Corn is an efficient way to get energy calories off the land and soybeans are an efficient way of getting protein off the land, so weve designed a food system that produces a lot of cheap corn and soybeans resulting in a lot of cheap fast food. – Michael Pollan

Other quotes by Michael Pollan

I mean, were really making a quantum change in our relationship to the plant world with genetic modification. – Michael Pollan

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If newspapers were a baseball team, they would be the Mets – without the hope for those folks at the very pinnacle of the financial food chain – who average nearly $24 million a year in income – next year. – Eric Alterman


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When I was younger I was fat. I was never conscious of it and was content with who I was because I was so loved. My mother never told me to lose weight and my father doted on me, but my agent told me. I tried, but I loved Indian food too much. – Archie Panjabi


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