

The one who pleased everybody died before they were born. – Proverb

Anyone who is popular is bound to be disliked. – Yogi Berra

Popular opinion is the greatest lie in the world. – Thomas Carlyle

Everyone in our culture wants to win a prize. Perhaps that is the grand lesson we have taken with us from kindergarten in the age of perversions of Dewey-style education: everyone gets a ribbon, and praise becomes a meaningless narcotic to soothe egoistic distemper. – Gerald Early

I have never wished to cater to the crowd; for what I know they do not approve, and what they approve I do not know. – Epicurus

Great individuals are not only popular themselves, but they give popularity to whatever they touch. – Fournier

What most people in our culture mean by being lovable is essentially a mixture between being popular and having sex appeal. – Erich Fromm

Beware of over-great pleasure in being popular or even beloved. – Margaret Fuller

Im shopping around for something to do that no one will like. – Jerry Garcia

He cast off his friends as a huntsman his pack, for he knew when he pleased he could whistle them back. – Oliver Goldsmith

Like Olympic medals and tennis trophies, all they signified was that the owner had done something of no benefit to anyone more capably than everyone else. – Joseph Heller

Popularity? Its glorys small change. – Victor Hugo

Seek not the favor of the multitude; it is seldom got by honest and lawful means. But seek the testimony of few; and number not voices, but weigh them. – Immanuel Kant

I would jump down Etna for any public good — but I hate a mawkish popularity. – John Keats

A few more days, and this essay will follow the Defensio Populi to the dust and silence of the upper shelf… For a month or two it will occupy a few minutes of chat in every drawing-room, and a few columns in every magazine; and it will then be withdrawn, to make room for the forthcoming novelties. – Thomas Babington Macaulay

Whatever is popular deserves attention. – James Mackintosh

The Oscars demonstrate the will of the people to control and judge those they have elected to stand above them (much, perhaps, as in bygone days, an election celebrated the same). – David Mamet

True popularity is not the popularity which is followed after, but the popularity which follows after. – Lord Mansfield

I wouldnt say I invented tacky, but I definitely brought it to its present high popularity. – Bette Midler

Popularity is exhausting. The life of the party almost always winds up in a corner with an overcoat over him. – Wilson Mizner