

If you re-read your work, you can find on re-reading a great deal of repetition can be avoided by re-reading and editing. – William Safire

A man can believe a considerable deal of rubbish, and yet go about his daily work in a rational and cheerful manner. – Norman Douglas

I have learned not to read reviews. Period. And I hate reviewers. All of them, or at least all but two or three. Life is much simpler ignoring reviews and the nasty people who write them. Critics should find meaningful work. – John Grisham

A man is educated and turned out to work. But a woman is educated and turned out to grass. – Pearl S. Buck

It will work. I am a marketing genius. – Paris Hilton

The Republicans need to work on registration and getting out their vote and their early voters and absentees. Grassroots stuff. – Rush Limbaugh

When you have a great and difficult task, something perhaps almost impossible, if you only work a little at a time, every day a little, suddenly the work will finish itself. – Isak Dinesen

Work will win when wishy washy wishing won t. – Thomas S. Monson

If you can laugh together, you can work together. – Robert Orben

You see, my mother was a district nurse until she died when I was 14, and we used to move from time to time because of her work. – Paul McCartney

Every man should have laws of his own, I should think commandments of his own, for every man has a different set of circumstances wherein to work – or worry. – Gilbert Parker

Work with your competitors when the interest of the community and planet are at stake. – Simon Mainwaring

I find in working always the disturbing intrusion of elements not a part of my most interested vision, and the inevitable obliteration and replacement of this vision by the work itself as it proceeds. – Edward Hopper

The companies that make meaningful contributions while also listening to the voices of others are the ones that will genuinely engage their community, who will then go to work for them. – Simon Mainwaring

The whole essence of good drawing – and of good thinking, perhaps – is to work a subject down to the simplest form possible and still have it believable for what it is meant to be. – Chuck Jones

I work to stay alive. – Bette Davis

Men of genius sometimes accomplish most when they work the least, for they are thinking out inventions and forming in their minds the perfect idea that they subsequently express with their hands. – Giorgio Vasari

I went back to work because someone had to pay for the groceries. – Bette Davis

Work while you work, play while you play – this is a basic rule of repressive self-discipline. – Theodor Adorno

In the execution of Presidential decisions work to be true to his views, in fact and tone. – Donald Rumsfeld