

You forget that you do choose your life and there are so many things to be grateful for and I feel like society has gotten to that point where were always looking for the next and the better and we lose sight of whats actually in front of us. – Shailene Woodley

My mind boggles at the amount of violence inflicted upon children in todays society. – Samantha Morton

The one thing that advances a society is not technology or so-called development its love – that one principle. – Tom Shadyac

To give up the task of reforming society is to give up ones responsibility as a free man. – Alan Paton

The idea is, were still a society where we recognize and see and even sometimes seek members of our own tribe, whatever that tribe is. It could be ethnic, religious, geographic, political. – Peter Guber

Sweden is still a very peaceful country to live in. I think that people in Britain have created this mythology about Sweden, that its a perfect democratic society full of erotically charged girls. – Henning Mankell

As you have fewer and fewer voices in a democracy, in a free society, its not good to limit the number of voices. – Michael Moore

I work in an old tradition that goes back to the ancient Greeks. You hold a mirror to crime to see whats happening in society. I could never write a crime story just for the sake of it, because I always want to talk about certain things in society. – Henning Mankell

If you allow for a purely capitalistic society, without any type of regulation at all, you will get one monopoly that will eat all of the smaller fish and own everything, and then youll have zero capitalism, zero competition – it would just be one giant company. – Serj Tankian

On the other side of that coin, and far outweighing it, is the fact that Ive been able to use genre of Fantasy/Horror and express my opinion, talk a little about society, do a little bit of satire and thats been great, man. A lot of people dont have that platform. – George A. Romero

You shouldnt get to live in society and give nothing back. People complain about their taxes, yet they do nothing for the community. That makes me furious. – Kathleen Turner

RFK was a compelling figure because he was willing to challenge his audiences, and in turn connect with them in a unique way. Kennedy showed that our values define us and can inspire others to believe in the possibility of change and a better society. – Frances OGrady

I want a society that provides decent jobs for those who can work and decent security for those cant. – Frances OGrady

The problem with society is that happiness and intelligence are rarely found in the same person. I guess thats why they say ignorance is bliss. – Anonymous

If youre treated a certain way you become a certain kind of person. If certain things are described to you as being real theyre real for you whether theyre real or not. – James Baldwin

Society is held together by our need; we bind it together with legend, myth, coercion, fearing that without it we will be hurled into that void, within which, like the earth before the Word was spoken, the foundations of society are hidden. – James Baldwin

The bastard form of mass culture is humiliated repetition… always new books, new programs, new films, news items, but always the same meaning. – Roland Barthes

Ours is the age of substitutes: instead of language, we have jargon: instead of principles, slogans: and, instead of genuine ideas, bright ideas. – Eric Bently

Society is now one polished horde, formed of two mighty tribes, the Bores and Bored. – Lord (George Gordon) Byron

It is a stern fact of history that no nation that rushed to the abyss ever turned back. Not ever, in the long history of the world. We are now on the edge of the abyss. Can we, for the first time in history, turn back? It is up to you. – Taylor Caldwell