

Drama lives on conflict. If youre trying to deal with social issues seriously, theres no way of avoiding violence, which is so present in society. – Michael Haneke

Im very old-fashioned in some ways because of my father, who thought that being a public servant was an honor. Everyone must find a capacity in which they can serve, because we all benefit from society. – Kathleen Turner

There is only one thing more harmful to society than an elected official forgetting the promises he made in order to get elected thats when he doesnt forget them. – John McCarthy

My foundations support people in the country who care about an open society. Its their work that Im supporting. So its not me doing it. But I can empower them. I can support them, and I can help them. – George Soros

Ill never look down on and I love running into actors who say Oh yeah, I did a soap. I say Tell me which one! Its like being a member of a secret society. – Nathan Fillion

Ive used drugs that I do consider to be dangerous, drugs that are potentially detrimental to kids and society at large. – Tim Robbins

I knew that I did not have to buy into societys notion that I had to be handsome and healthy to be happy. I was in charge of my spaceship and it was my up, my down. I could choose to see this situation as a setback or as a starting point. I chose to begin life again. – Warren Mitchell

Adolescence is societys permission slip for combining physical maturity with psychological irresponsibility. – Terri Apter

On the surface we all act like we all love each other and were free and easy, and actually were far more moralistic than any other society Ive ever lived in. – Kathy Acker

I think were living in a world where society is very difficult. – Steven Seagal

I think its great that we have organisations like Greenpeace. In a pluralistic society, we want to have people who point out all the problems that the Earth could encounter. But we need to understand that they are not presenting a full and rounded view. – Bjorn Lomborg

Then, I realized that there is an indigenous presence in the Solar System. Its us. So, then, I got to wondering what would happen if a more technologically advanced society moved next door to us, the way we moved next door to the American Indians. – Sarah Zettel

The only thing of value I have in this life is my ability to tell a story, whether in print, orating, writing it down or having people acting it out. Thats why Im always hoping society never collapses because the first ones to go will be entertainers. – Kevin Smith

Because society places a value on masculinity, gay men aspire to it. If you go to a gay club and the doorman says, You do realise this is a gay club, dont you lads? you get all excited because you think, Wow, he thought I was straight! – Graham Norton

And from a military school which taught me that to fit into society, you cant just do anything you damn well please because it will suit you. And that its much better to be with the winners than it is with the losers. – Sam Donaldson

If we all say the same thing, then I think the government has to listen. But because no one is saying it, I become singled out, even though what Im saying is common sense. Its very essential values that we all have to protect. But in Chinese society, people are giving up on protecting these values. – Ai Weiwei

Im really not interested in other peoples opinions, because I think frankly most of those opinions are either misinformed and adding to this endless ball of hot air we have in our society where everyone thinks their opinion is valuable and sacred and what counts. – H. G. Bissinger

Youre scrutinized all through your life – youre scrutinized by your family, by yourself, by society, and your friends in a certain way, shape, or form. – Colin Farrell

But we dont have an example of a democratic society existing in a socialist economy – which is the only real alternative to capitalism in the modern world. – Peter L. Berger

Unless we abandon elements which resemble a police state, we cant meet the demands of being a modern society. – Ahmet Necdet Sezner