

The waste of money cures itself, for soon there is no more to waste. – M.W. Harrison

They deem me mad because I will not sell my days for gold; and I deem them mad because they think my days have a price. – Khalil Gibran

If you make money your god, it will plague you like the devil. – Henry Fielding

It frees you from doing things you dislike. Since I dislike doing nearly everything, money is handy. – Groucho Marx

Never call an accountant a credit to his profession; a good accountant is a debit to his profession. – Charles J.C. Lyall

We have profoundly forgotten everywhere that Cash-payment is not the sole relation of human beings. – Thomas Carlyle, Past and Present

We live by the Golden Rule. Those who have the gold make the rules. – Buzzie Bavasi

There are several ways in which to apportion the family income, all of them unsatisfactory. – Robert Benchley

Aunt Betsey made a bad bargain when she exchanged her girlish aspirations for a man whose soul was in his pocket. – Louisa May Alcott, “Christie,” Work: A Story of Experience, 1873

…existence has become an unreasoning, wild dance around the golden calf, a mad worship of God Mammon. In that dance and in that worship man has sacrificed all his finer qualities of the heart and soul — kindness and justice, honor and manhood, compassion and sympathy with his fellowman. – Alexander Berkman, What Is Communist Anarchism?

When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is. – Oscar Wilde

The economy depends about as much on economists as the weather does on weather forecasters. – Jean-Paul Kauffmann

Money is power, freedom, a cushion, the root of all evil, the sum of blessings. – Carl Sandburg

The only thing that can console one for being poor is extravagance. – Oscar Wilde

Who would be rich, must keep his soul under cover of his cash-box. – German Proverb

The little money I have — that is my wealth, but the things I have for which I would not take money, that is my treasure. – Robert Brault,

Modern man is one who drives a mortgaged car over a bond financed highway on credit card gas! – Cy N. Peace, 1957

Money is human happiness in the abstract; and so the man who is no longer capable of enjoying such happiness in the concrete, sets his whole heart on money. – Arthur Schopenhauer, Parerga and Paralipomena, 1851

Gentlemen prefer bonds. – Andrew Mellon

Money is the last enemy that shall never be subdued. While there is flesh there is money — or the want of money; but money is always on the brain so long as there is a brain in reasonable order. – Samuel Butler, Notebooks, 1912