
Live Now

Chasing the past, I stumbled into the future. – T.A.Sachs

Seize from every moment its unique novelty, and do not prepare your joys. – André Gide, Nourritures Terrestres

We know nothing of tomorrow; our business is to be good and happy today. – Sydney Smith

In today already walks tomorrow. – Friedrich von Schiller

When I am anxious it is because I am living in the future. When I am depressed it is because I am living in the past. – Author Unknown

The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness. – Abraham Maslow

Life lived for tomorrow will always be just a day away from being realized. – Leo Buscaglia

The future is no place to place your better days. – Dave Matthews

The future is an opaque mirror. Anyone who tries to look into it sees nothing but the dim outlines of an old and worried face. – Jim Bishop

If a man examine carefully his thoughts he will be surprised to find how much he lives in the future. His well-being is always ahead. – Emerson, Journals, 1827

Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present. – Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon — instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today. – Dale Carnegie

God made the world round so we would never be able to see too far down the road. – Isak Dinesen