
Inventing, Inventions

Fear is a great inventor. – Proverb

Today every invention is received with a cry of triumph which soon turns into a cry of fear. – Bertolt Brecht

I am proud of the fact that I never invented weapons to kill. – Thomas Alva Edison

Man is a shrewd inventor, and is ever taking the hint of a new machine from his own structure, adapting some secret of his own anatomy in iron, wood, and leather, to some required function in the work of the world. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you build a better mousetrap, you will catch better mice. – George Gobel

Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought. – Albert Gyorgyi

The guns and bombs, the rockets and the warships, all are symbols of human failure. – Lyndon B. Johnson

We can invent only with memory. – Alphonse Karr

We owe to the Middle Ages the two worst inventions of humanity — gunpowder and romantic love. – Andre Maurois

I dont mind occasionally having to reinvent a wheel; I dont even mind using someones reinvented wheel occasionally. But it helps a lot if it is symmetric, contains no fewer than ten sides, and has the axle centered. I do tire of trapezoidal wheels with offset axles. – Joseph Newcomer

A new gadget that lasts only five minutes is worth more than an immortal work that bores everyone. – Francis Picabia

Invention strictly speaking, is little more than a new combination of those images which have been previously gathered and deposited in the memory; nothing can come from nothing. – Sir Joshua Reynolds

Accident is the name of the greatest of all inventors. – Mark Twain

The right of an inventor to his invention is no monopoly; in any other sense than a mans house is a monopoly. – Daniel Webster