

Deceive the rich and powerful if you will, but dont insult them. – Japanese Proverb

Lying and stealing are next door neighbors. – Arabic Proverb

Cheat me in the price, but not in the goods. – English Proverb

Great talker, great liar. – Proverb

Every cloud has a silver lining. – Proverb

With lies you may go ahead in the world, but you can never go back. – Proverb

Husband a lie, and trump it up in some extraordinary emergency. – Joseph Addison

Liars are always ready to take oaths. – Vittorio Alfieri

It contains a misleading impression, not a lie. It was being economical with the truth. – Robert Armstrong

Lies are sufficient to breed opinion, and opinion brings on substance. – Francis Bacon

Never chase a lie. Let it alone, and it will run itself to death. I can work out a good character much faster than anyone can lie me out of it – Lyman Beecher

Matilda told such dreadful lies,
It made one gasp and stretch ones eyes;
Her aunt, who from her earliest youth,
Had kept a strict regard for truth,
Attempted to believe Matilda:
The effort very nearly killed her. – Hilaire Belloc

It is sometimes necessary to lie damnably in the interests of the nation. – Hilaire Belloc

What does the truth matter? Havent we mothers all given our sons a taste for lies, lies which from the cradle upwards lull them, reassure them, send them to sleep: lies as soft and warm as a breast! – Georges Bernanos

A truth thats told with bad intent
Beats all the lies you can invent. – William Blake

Nobody speaks the truth when theres something they must have. – Elizabeth Bowen